Research Papers

Our software is used in a wide variety of applications and cited in many scientific papers. We thought it might be useful to build a library of these papers as a reference. Over time it may become a useful research point for users and those considering buying our software. Obviously many of the papers are hosted by sites that require membership or payment to access the full article – but we will try and list citing papers that at least have an abstract. The papers are listed by software and journal, clicking on the journal title will take you to papers listed by that journal.



Crop Protection

Crop Science

Journal of Animal Science

Journal of Cereal Science

Journal of Dairy Science

Livestock Science

Meat Science






Pediatric Research

The EMBO Journal

TAG – Theoretical and Applied Genetics




Wider Interest


Tell us about your work

We are always keen to hear about how you use our software and want to use this section of the site to build a unique picture of the breadth and range of applications for GenStat, ASReml and GenStat Discovery. You can submit anything from a short abstract of your work, to the full paper. Should you wish to submit your work, in the first instance please email us at: [email protected] with a brief outline of your research, or a link to a published paper and also your full contact details. We look forward to hearing from you.