
Developing strong business relationships with other technology leaders enables VSNi to deliver leading edge data analysis solutions for technical, business and scientific communities worldwide. By combining our strengths with industry leading software providers, VSNi continues to deliver world-class products and services for advanced analytics today.

NAG logo

Numerical Algorithms Group Ltd

Numerical Algorithms Group (NAG) is one of the pioneers of mathematical and other scientific and technical software. NAG has supplied leading-edge numerical libraries and other solutions to academic, government and industrial users globally for over 30 years and has also a significant presence in other fields such as data visualisation.

To find out more, please visit NAG’s web site at or, if you are based in North America, Headquartered in Oxford, England, NAG has offices in Chicago, Tokyo and distributors around the world.

RRES logo

Rothamsted Research

RRES, or more formally Rothamsted Research, is generally credited with the original invention of many of the fundamental statistical methods still in use today. Rothamsted’s statistical research activities date back some 80 years to the days of their first Head of Statistics Department, the world-renowned R. A. Fisher (later Sir Ronald); many other famous statisticians have since contributed significantly to Rothamsted’s research activity.

RRES was also one of the first to introduce computing to statistics as far back as the early 1950s, and has since developed several statistical applications, most notably the GenStat general statistical package. For more information on RRES please visit


Agronomix logo

Agronomix Software, Inc

VSNi has collaborated with Agronomix Software, Inc., to develop a direct software link so that registered users of both software packages might realise the significant benefits of using them together. Specifically, VSNi has developed a suite of GenStat procedures so that users can store means and related statistics from ANOVA and REML analyses directly in Generation II through a special interface developed in Generation II by Agronomix Software. The procedure library and associated Help documentation are available by download. This feature is available in AGROBASE Generation II as of version 14. Read more…